Author: Bart Larmouth

Delaware River Report / Conditions May 7, 2013

Definitely a bit tougher out there yesterday. With bright sun and falling waters, the fish were not very keen to rise during the heat of the day, and the bugs were not inclined to pop out of the water just to get baked. However, the evening ended up being decent (read: not great) with some flushes of caddis as well as a small spinner fall in places. Today, we’re looking at cloudier weather (we have them for the first time in what feels like weeks) that should definitely help the daytime hatching. Tomorrow rain is predicted – let’s hope it’s a ton since they dropped our water level down to a 175 cfs release from Cannonsville.

THIS is what a 25″ fish looks like. This MONSTER Brown took a “secret” dry at a “secret” location (insert sarcasm here). Good friend of the shop Les Hughes is the lucky angler, and it holding it without extended hero pose arms. Well done! Photo: Lindsey Flexner

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Epeorus vitreus – PED, Pink Lady – #14 – Getting Started

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Waning, spinners still around

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 194 cfs @ 42º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 271 cfs @ 53º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 162 cfs @ 55º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 448 cfs @ 58º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,070 cfs @ 61º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 300 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 98.6% – 175 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions May 6, 2013

Another “western day” out on the river yesterday, with a smidgen of Patagonian wind thrown in for good measure. Those on the West and Main were treated to strong upstream winds (at times), and bright beautiful sunshine. The fish were sporadic during the day, but as the sun went behind the mountains the bugs took off and the fish started rising in earnest. Caddis were the appetizer, with Hendrickson spinners working their way in as the dessert, with all kinds of randomness thrown in for a main course. Today we’re looking at a slightly cooler day, but only by a degree or two, and the clouds they have been promising will hopefully materialize and give us some more consistent afternoon risers.

The Great Grey Heron (aka Club favorite Sandy Bing) made a triumphant return to the West Branch today, fought the upstream wind (along with some line tangles on the leg locks) to land this beautiful rainbow on a rusty spinner. Photo: Steve Shen

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Still very fishable!

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 238 cfs @ 41º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 327 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 170 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 476 cfs @ 56º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,160 cfs @ 59º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 316 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 99.1% – 224 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions Cinco de Mayo, 2013

Another western bluebird day out on the river yesterday, mercifully with a whole lot less wind. Rising fish weren’t terribly easy to find, but those who were persistent had their hard word rewarded in spades. Fish were taken on the West Branch with everything from caddis to Hendricksons. In many instances, it was fish-to-fish as far as what was being eaten, so it definitely kept everyone on their toes. The big news is that down river we’re seeing March Browns start to make an appearance, so the hatch should be headed upstream over the next few days. Expect continued spinner falls over the next few as well, as we are expecting more clear, calm days and nights.

Mike Tiguiam holds a great Main Stem Brown from yesterday in the bright sun! Photo: Jeff White

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Still very fishable!

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 238 cfs @ 42º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 337 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 176 cfs @ 53º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 506 cfs @ 55º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,230 cfs @ 59º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 342 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 99.1% – 224 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions May 4, 2013

It was a little bit different out there yesterday, which is a polite way to say it was definitely slower out there on the river today. The upstream winds on the Main and West made for slower dry fly fishing, but the fish were active subsurface for a good chunk of the day. When the wind laid down, the caddis were flying in full force, complete with egg sacs, but weren’t really what the fish were interested in. As evening came there was a bit more activity, along with a decent paralep spinner fall, depending on your location (i.e. not the main). The lower West upped the ante with a Hendrickson hatch/spinner fall at dark. Today we’re expecting less sun but slightly warmer temperatures, and less wind. The clouds could be a boon, but we will see what it brings!

Bob Hesse with a great Main Stem Brown. Photo: Jeff White

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Still very fishable!

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 238 cfs @ 41º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 344 cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 182 cfs @ 53º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 536 cfs @ 54º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,320 cfs @ 58º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 362 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 99.1% – “300” CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions May 3, 2013

We had our first real hot day out there yesterday (at least as far as air temps are concerned) with it getting a bit over 80 degrees in the sun. That being said, we had pretty darn good hatching sporadically throughout the day across the system, varying from Hendricksons to Apple Caddis, depending on your location. It definitely waxed and waned throughout the day, but the evening really saw it turn on when the sun dipped below the mountains. Here at the club we had clouds of Paralep spinners out over the lawn late in the afternoon, that eventually made it over the water to fall. We are expecting a bit more clouds today, and with that some cooler temps, so those periods of little activity should grow even shorter. However, the powers that be have cut our release on the West Branch to “300” CFS, although Stilesville Gauge is only at 229 CFS currently. We’ll see how that affects things as the day progresses.

Max Russick holds a GREAT West Branch Brown caught in the bright sun yesterday. Photo: Kevan Smaracko

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Still very fishable!

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 229 cfs @ 42º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 344 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 182 cfs @ 53º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 591 cfs @ 56º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,380 cfs @ 58º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 394 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 99.3% – “300” CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions May 2, 2013

It was another great day out on the river yesterday, but not quite as hot as the one previous. We had rising fish from just after lunch all the way until dark, with a few lulls here and there, depending on where you had decided to get your waders wet. Fish could definitely be picky at times, and landing one on a particular pattern didn’t necessarily mean that his buddy next door would take the same thing. We had Hendricksons, Caddis (Apple Green & Tan), as well as a good flush of Paraleps yet again, this time the smaller size 18 variety. Today we are expecting even warmer temperatures, so the water should heat up pretty quick across the system, and hatches will likely start earlier as a result. The heat of the day might slow things down a bit, but don’t worry – that just means a great evening of rising fish!

Mark Li holds a nice upstream Brown caught on the West Branch. Photo: Mike Phillipe.

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Still very fishable!

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 394 cfs @ 42º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 538 cfs @ 44º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 213 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 668 cfs @ 52º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,680 cfs @ 55º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 434 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 99.5% – 401 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions May 1, 2013

Welcome to May! And April definitely went out with a bang! Yesterday was some of the best dry fly fishing that we have seen this year, with fish up and rising on every river, pretty much in every riffle run and pool for near the entirety of the day. Hendricksons were back on the West Branch, as well as the East, but Apple Caddis were the fly of choice on the Main Stem, with a few Hendos thrown in for good measure. The warm, humid weather predicted over the next three days bodes well for this type of action to continue, so long as our water temps stay where they are.

Mike Phillipe with a KILLER West Branch Brown caught on a Hendrickson Parachute. Photo: Mark Li

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic, getting started

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Same as Baetis

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 394 cfs @ 42º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 556 cfs @ 43º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 226 cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 746 cfs @ 49º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,840 cfs @ 50º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 496 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 99.6% – 401 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions April 30, 2013

A cold, rainy day yesterday brought us the toughest day of the year so far. Cool water and even cooler air stifled the bugs for the majority of the day, with some folks on the West seeing Paraleps but no fish, an others on the Main seeing fish but no bugs! Yeah, definitely one of those kind of days. Today we’re looking at temps in the mid-60s with a bit more sunshine, which is a good thing for water temps, and hopefully bugs. Winds should be fairly calm as well, which was one of the highlights of yesterday also. It sometimes feels like we live on the Great Plains lately with all the breezy days we have been having. The hatch will likely start later in the afternoon, as it will likely take that long for the rivers to warm up a tad.

Samantha Chain holds her FIRST fish on the fly! A West Branch Brown! We tried to tell her how big a deal that is…… Photo by: Proud Papa Paul

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic, getting started

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Same as Baetis

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 394 cfs @ 42º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 575 cfs @ 45º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 242 cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 916 cfs @ 50º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,910 cfs @ 50º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 607 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 97.7% – 401 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions April 29, 2013

It was definitely a crazy day out there on the river yesterday. Without a doubt, it was the busiest I have seen it in my 10+ years around here. Although there were a ton of boats and waders, the fishing was still pretty dang good – folks found good pods of rising fish throughout the system. It was tough at times, but definitely not impossible! Today we’re expecting a hint of rain, with clouds throughout. Needless to say perfect BWO weather! We’ll see what materializes, but you’ll definitely find me out there after the shop closes at 6!

Peter Ahlberg holds a beauty of a fish! Photo: Kevan Smaracko

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic, getting started

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Same as Baetis

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 394 cfs @ 42º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 585 cfs @ 45º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 249 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 795 cfs @ 52º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,890 cfs @ 54º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 507 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 100.3% – 401 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions April 28, 2013

Another odd one out there yesterday, with good to great numbers of hatching bugs, but sporadic fish activity, depending on the section of river you were on. Not much rhyme or reason to it, just luck of the draw in many cases, although the sheer number of boats and waders likely played a role.  Those who did hit it right saw Hendricksons, Paraleps, and tons of Caddis. There were also SNOWSTORM-like flights of Caddis down river, thicker than I have even seen out west. This didn’t mean that the fish were on them, as these guys were just true ‘flights’ – not actual hatching insects, so they were not making it to the water in any great number. Frustrating when you see that many! The good news is that this particular hatch is moving up the river, and the fish will definitely find the time to eat them. Today we’re looking warm and sunny again, so the water temps should get up where we like them to see more mayflies pop.

Pat Regan holds a nice West Branch Brown. Photo: Steve Shen

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic, getting started

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Same as Baetis

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 400 cfs @ 41º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 601 cfs @ 44º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 263 cfs @ 47º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 869 cfs @ 49º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 2,020 cfs @ 52º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 547 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 100.3% – 401 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions April 27, 2013

Another good day out there yesterday! We still had spots that were on fire and others that were a little bit slow, but overall the bugs were out and the fish were up. The Main Stem fish seemed a bit more interested in Caddis than Mayflies, while fish on the East and West were definitely in full Paralep mode. The wind was stiffer than predicted (What’s that Bart? Are you saying the weathermen were wrong?) system-wide, which did slow down the action at times. Today is supposed to be calm, with temps in the high 60s, which should start the hatching even a little earlier than yesterday.

Bob Cirocco with a nice Main Stem Brown from yesterday. Photo: Kevan Smaracko

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Brachycentrus species – Apple Green Caddis – #16 & #18

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic, getting started

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Same as Baetis

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 413 cfs @ 41º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 637 cfs @ 43º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 281 cfs @ 45º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 965 cfs @ 47º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 2,210 cfs @ 50º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 602 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 100.1% – 401 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions April 26, 2013

Definitely an interesting day out there yesterday. The Main Stem finally lit up, and the Lower West slowed down. Folks fishing from the Gamelands upstream had good numbers of rising fish taking Paraleps (which were blanketing the water) with decent hatching, but downstream from there the Hendricksons barely got started, and most fish were taken on charcoal caddis. The Main had Paraleps and a few Hendricksons down towards Buckingham, but really good numbers further on towards Long Eddy. We also saw our first appearance of the Apple Green Caddis, and the fish in the Lower East and Main both seemed to be quite interested in them. With good starting water temps today, as well as moderate air temps predicted, we could be in for a heck of a day today as well, and the weekend is looking better and better too! The only variable is the spillage from CAnnonscville – if it really starts to go, the DEP will release 1500 CFS until it stops under their so-well-designed FFMP (that was sarcasm people). I’ll post an update if it jumps, so be aware if you are wading the West Branch today.

Dave Zmijewski with a slammin’ West Branch Brown! Photo: Steve Shen

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 & #14

Chimarra species – Charcoal Caddis – #16 & #18

Taeniopteryx fasciata – Early Black Stonefly- #18

Baetis species – BWO – #16 & #18 – Very sporadic, getting started

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva – Blue Quill – #16 & #18 – Same as Baetis

Current Flow Conditions:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 413 cfs @ 43º
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 687 cfs @ 44º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 314 cfs @ 46º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 1,110 cfs @ 48º
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 2,460 cfs @ 51º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 681 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 100.1% – 401 CFS release
