Author: Bart Larmouth

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 14, 2012

Just received a funny email from a customer, describing the West Branch flow chart from USGS as looking like “a saw blade.” What a perfect analogy! We’re heading up the tooth right now, with an “announced” release of 571 CFS, up from yesterday. This shouldn’t shock the river in a big way, but may shut down the morning fishing just a little bit. Yesterday was definitely tough depending on where you were with the bright sun keeping things down a bit, but the evening saw some fish sporadically rising to Heptagenias. With cloudier weather moving in there should be a little bit more predictable action throughout the day today, and the slightly bigger release should help the Main Stem fish even better.


Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female (waning)

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 577 cfs @ 48º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 556 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 143 cfs @ 55º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 267 cfs @ 62º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 830 cfs @ 62º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 105 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 57.9% – 571 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 13, 2012

No big drop in flows last night, just down to a 464 release which should not dramatically affect the hatching, holding areas, etc. It will allow downriver to warm up a bit more (especially with 80-degree temps predicted), so we will likely “lose” the lower Main today insofar as decent hatching is concerned. The entire West Branch fished fairly well, but the Main as a whole was pretty slow until the sun started settling in the evening. Then Junction through Stockport produced, but below Cemetery Pool not much was seen other than everyone’s favorite – the river chub feeding on Heptagenias. Today we are looking at warmer (air) temps, but there are supposed to be clouds mixed in as well, unlike our Rocky Mtn. Bluebird day we had yesterday. This is definitely good news for those of you looking to fish the afternoon, so get out there and get after them!

Here’s one from last fall – an AMAZING picture of a hatching Isonychia taken by Bob Lewis.

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female (waning)

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 494 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 473 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 145 cfs @ 54º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 270 cfs @ 60º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 924 cfs @ 61º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 112 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 58.9% – 463 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 12, 2012

Wheeeee! Down to the bottom of the coaster we are starting to head again. the release from Cannonsville dropped to 500 CFS overnight. Not super-hyper-mega dramatic, but it’s definitely an indicator of which way we are heading – down that is. We may see a big drop tonight, and a pickup on the weekend. Who knows? Regardless of this, the fishing was  pretty decent yesterday, and I am getting some good reports from the upper Main (And the parking area at Stockport looked like a day in May). Olives in the evening, and the Heptagenias started in earnest down there around 3PM. Let’s hope the wind stays down, and the sun stays away today, and we could expect another good one out there.

I think what the DEP does induces more nausea than one of these.

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female (waning)

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 510 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 525 cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 145 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 282 cfs @ 58º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 1,060 cfs @ 59º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 120 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 58.9% – 500 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 11, 2012

Not too much of a yo-yo at midnight last night – the flow has been reduced to 585 CFS, down from about 600. This means no substantial change in the river level, and the fish have had some time to acclimate to new lies and feeding lines, as well as the Main Stem cooling dramatically. This could make for a pretty decent day today, so long as the clouds remain in place. Yesterday was a bit slow fish-wise, most likely a result of the bump in flows. The bugs were active, and we did see plenty of Tricos in the morning, but they were promptly blown off by the heavy, steady winds we experienced early until mid afternoon. Otherwise, fish were actively eating small (size #18) olive emergers, which were very difficult to see on the water. Keep your eyes open for rises – if you don’t see what the fish are eating, try the small olive!

A nice, DARK brown that ate a Light Cahill Sunday. Photo by: Art Bartholomew

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female (waning)

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 598 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 616 cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 151 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 299 cfs @ 58º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 1,110 cfs @ 58º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 140 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 59.4% – 585 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 10, 2012

Here we go again. The release this morning is now up to   596 cfs, and I am still unaware as to why these sudden changes are taking place. Naturally, this will affect the morning fishing (likely adversely), but as everything settles by the afternoon, good things should happen with the colder water temps. Yesterday was a decent one – bugs pretty much throughout the day, with fish up and eating. The only issue was how spooky the critters were (not like that is a new scenario) – boat and wader shy, you had to be on your game, but there were fish to be had at least – can’t complain there! Today is set to be a cooler day all around with the sun peeking through the clouds sporadically, which means we can hope for an early evening spinner fall if the temps do stay below 70 as they are predicted. Fingers crossed, I’ve got some jumbo Iso parachute spinners I can’t wait to throw!

Yep. Those are Tricos. We had numbers like this last week, but they are finally starting to wane. Photo: DRC

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female (waning)

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 620 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 627 cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 153 cfs @ 54º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 375 cfs @ 61º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 974 cfs @ 63º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 164 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 60.6% – 356 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 9, 2012

The big storm moving through yesterday was definitely full of style, but not a whole lot of substance (i.e. rain). The flows went up slightly, but the ground soaked up the hard rain and kept us from rising too dramatically. The bugs and fish anticipated the storm, as the morning hours prior saw NO activity from either one of them – they just laid down on the bottom and waited it seemed. Even the little ‘bows in the riffs wouldn’t come out and play. It was a sad state of affaris. Evening (post-storm) saw a big flurry of activity – caddis in particular, and the fish decided their lockjaw had lasted long enough. With a very cool overnight, water temps in the river are looking great for today, and with more cloud cover predicted, it has the potential to be a great day out on the water!

Chimarra caddis. Photo by: Jeff White

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 (sporadic), #18 & #20

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Pale Evening Dun – (Female) -#14 (sporadic)

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 377 cfs @ 48º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 423 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 170 cfs @ 56º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 516 cfs @ 66º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 886 cfs @ 65º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 239 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 60.6% – 356 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 8, 2012

This is where I attempt to NOT sound like a broken record. However, screw whomever is in charge of the releases on this river. We’ve just been cut back to 325 CFS (which at least is according to “plan”) from 476. This will definitely make things a bit sluggish to start, but there are clouds predicted all day, which can do nothing but help us. The forecasted Tornado Watch is not my favorite, but I will definitely believe that when I see it. Honestly, rain in any form is a good thing. Last night was definitely slow, but the Stenos made an appearance, which definitely makes me happy on the inside – let’s hope that continues, and everyone busts loose prior to the “severe” weather heading our way.

Although they are still around, the flying ants have been a hard hatch to catch so far this year. Photo by: Jeff White

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 (sporadic), #18 & #20

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Pale Evening Dun – (Female) -#14 (sporadic)

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 350 cfs @ 48º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 385 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 151 cfs @ 57º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 309 cfs @ 66º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 944 cfs @ 66º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 124 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 60.6% – 325 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 7, 2012

They’re mucking with the flows again. The release has dropped to 446 CFS, for no dicernable reason. I’m attempting to get to the bottom of it, but all I have to show is a bunch of folks who really are in the know shrugging the shoulders at me. The good news is this smaller drop should not adversely affect the river, as there isn’t a huge difference in level between 500 and 446. Our good friend Mr. Fog made a reappearance last night though – as it was warm and VERY humid in the late evening. This shut things down a little bit prematurely, but not before some good action was had by folks out in Home Pool. Similar weather today – mostly cloudy with some T-storms likely popping up later in the day. Barring any dramatic pressure changes, it looks like it’s going to be pretty good out there.

Have to say I love this one – East Branch Brown with a custom Abel Super 6. Photo & Fish: Bart Larmouth

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 (sporadic), #18 & #20

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Pale Evening Dun – (Female) -#14 (sporadic)

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 478 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 498 cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 151 cfs @ 57º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 356 cfs @ 66º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 1,100 cfs @ 66º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 156 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 61.4% – 446 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 6, 2012

Here we go again. We now have a 520 CFS release out of Cannonsville. Why you ask? I have absolutely no idea. The number does not correspond to any release rates in the FFMP. I’m open to any suggestions, other than meeting the Montague flow, as that is right where it needs to be. Regardless, yesterday was a pretty decent day overall. Bugs were happy and hatching sporadically throughout, and the evening saw some spinners descend on the water as well. Today, with this increased flow, it’s a bit unclear as to what will take place. We could see a bump in activity due to the cold water, or everything could shut down a little bit while as everything acclimates to the new level / temperature. We’ll see how it goes.

Also – FOUND – a customer brought me the upper 2 sections to what appears to be a 5-pc rod. Please give me a call here at the shop, let me know where you lost it, and I will gladly return it.

Our Iso from yesterday molted overnight, and I thought I would give some size perspective. with his forearms extended, this guy is near 3-inches long. Dang. Photo by: Bart Larmouth

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 (sporadic), #18 & #20

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Pale Evening Dun – (Female) -#14 (sporadic)

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 529 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 561 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 162 cfs @ 56º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 526 cfs @ 64º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 1,160 cfs @ 66º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 241 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 61.4% – 520 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 5, 2012

Overcast day? Check. Warm, humid conditions? Check. Slight rain and drizzle throughout said day? Check. Bugs hatching profusely to take advantage of ‘perfect’ conditions? ……..not so much. Yesterday seemed like it was going to be absolutely amazing, and aside from a few flurries of activity during the afternoon upriver, downstream was dead yesterday evening, with just the occasional fish rising to chase a sporadic Iso or caddis. Pressure changes maybe? This becomes one of those ‘smile and nod’ moments for me. We did experience some rain last night, and it has bumped the lower west up slightly to 400 cfs. Better for boats, but it should not affect the fishing too dramatically. We have more overcast skies today, and we are hoping they carry on throughout, and that the bugs decided to behave for a change.

Although there is no scale reference, this Iso was pushing a size #6! He hung out all day on the picture window for us. Photo by: Bart Larmouth

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 (sporadic), #18 & #20

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Pale Evening Dun – (Female) -#14 (sporadic)

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 350 cfs @ 48º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 400 cfs @ 53º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 188 cfs @ 58º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 383 cfs @ 58º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 811 cfs @ 66º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 148 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 61.8% – 325 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 4, 2012

The side of the shop was olive central this morning! Pseudos, Baetis, deficiens – they all showed up to the party it seems, the only issue being they likely hatched after dark, given the reports I received about yesterday’s fishing. There was some great trico action early, with sporadic hatching during the cloudy day, but the fish never truly turned on as they should have, given the conditions. Today, the cloud cover continues, and there are scattered thunderstorms rolling around the area, so that will make the day interesting for all those out on the water. Let’s hope the olives keep it up, and the fish actually decide to LOOK UP a little bit more!

A Baetis vagans dun with a bit of a crippled wing. Photo by: Jeff White

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 (sporadic), #18 & #20

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Pale Evening Dun – (Female) -#14 (sporadic)

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 350 cfs @ 48º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 377 cfs @ 53º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 140 cfs @ 55º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 240 cfs @ 63º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 697 cfs @ 65º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 90 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 63.5% – 325 CFS release

Delaware River Report / Conditions September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day! I hope all of you not laboring are enjoying a much needed day off. As for here, we will be open and looking for you! The good news today is that there has been no change in the flow overnight, the bad news is that it means we’re still at a 325 release. Cooler temps yesterday helped keep the lower West cool, but not really cool enough, as the  majority of the hatching occurred right before dark. There were flurries of activity prior to that, and we had several folks staying with us down in Home Pool happily report ‘cooperative’ fish. They’re our favorite kind! It appears that Isaac will not come and pound us here in the NE as many had hoped, so we’re hoping the rain and t-storms predicted for the rest of the week materialize and drench us a little bit. Today we’re looking at mostly cloudy skies, so it’s a safe bet that olives are in order!

Not a whole lot going on here.

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 (sporadic), #18 & #20

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Pale Evening Dun – (Female) -#14 (sporadic)

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 350 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 373 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 140 cfs @ 58º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 243 cfs @ 65º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 697 cfs @ 67º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 84 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 63.5% – 325 CFS release
