Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report August 1, 2010

Cannonsville reservoir continues to release water! This morning the release was 828 cfs, this is a great level to keep the entire West Branch cool and also start to cool down the upper Main Stem as well. Yesterday there was good bug action on most of the river, it seemed as though the more consistent risers were on the lower West until dark. Many reports came from the upper West Branch throughout the day, most of which said there were plenty of bugs with few targets until nearly dark. It looks like we may have great flows for a few days, you may have the best luck by boat, but there are still wade-able stretches. Over the next 3 days we are looking at scattered and isolated thunder storms, overcast skies will bring good olives and fish should become more active now that they have had a few days to adjust to the cooler waters and higher flows.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 905  cfs @ 47º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 132  cfs @ 58º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 221  cfs @ 66º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 1020 cfs @ 63º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 1520 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 84  cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 78.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 828 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 31, 2010

The Cannonsville Reservoir continues to give us water this morning. Stilesville is up to 790 cfs this morning making the West Branch floatable from top to bottom. With this volume of water in the river, water temperatures should hold steady the length of the river the entire day. There is a good chance that the cooler water temperatures will help encourage the hatch action as well. Today’s forecast shows sun through much of the day, if there are no fish rising, streamers on the banks would be my first pattern of choice. Wade fishing is not out of the option; however there may be a few deep spots that carry heavy current so use caution if fishing by foot.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 853  cfs @ 47º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 135  cfs @ 57º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 232  cfs @ 65º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 878 cfs @ 65º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2050 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 88  cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 78.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 790 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 30, 2010

With the current low water levels, Cannonsville reservoir has once again opened its valves to 599 cfs in order to help meet the target flow at Montague. With this flow of 599 cfs the West Branch is once again floatable. Wade fishing is also still a good option, at these levels the whole West Branch should be wade able. Yesterday we saw long stretches of little to no bug activity, but today with the cooler air temperatures and increased flows the insect activity should pick up and a greater portion of the West Branch should start to fish well once again.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 670  cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 135  cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 240  cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 653 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 1510 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 92 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 78.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 599 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 29, 2010

With thunderstorms in the forecast for two of the next three days, we should get a break from the blazing summer sun.  Today’s forecast shows some clouds throughout the day with isolated thunderstorms during part of the afternoon. Temperatures for this weekend are going to be cooler than the upper 80’s and 90’s that we have been seeing. Cooler overnight temperatures and overcast skies can do wonders when it comes to cooling down the river. Until the Lower West Branch cools down a little, you are going to want to stay higher up on the west. Check water Temperatures often and if you are getting readings of 66-68 or higher, you are better off moving up the river in search of cooler water.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 427  cfs @ 54º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 137  cfs @ 62º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 254  cfs @ 71º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 662 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 1810 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 137 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 78.9 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 28, 2010

Yesterday fishing was good on the Upper West Branch. Many fish were caught on nymphs but there were good fish taken on drys as well.  Today’s forecast shows bright sun all day, with little chance of rain.  However, with the cooler water there should be consistent bug activity throughout most of the day.  Yesterday evening brought a great Sulphur hatch, as well as Olives, Isos and a good number of Caddis were spotted as well.  Today should bring much of the same, and should be a good overall day for being out on the water.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 431  cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 137  cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 266  cfs @ 69º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 701 cfs @ 71º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 1830 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 108 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 79.3 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 27, 2010

Today we are expecting sunny skies and air temperatures in the mid 80’s. Water temperatures on the Upper West Branch are still the best in the area, the Lower West Branch saw water temperatures peaking around 68º during the day yesterday. Today plan on looking for plenty of Sulphurs with a few BWO’s in the mix, also don’t forget there are Iso’s in the area, please do not shy away from throwing an over-sized Iso at the banks or dead-drifting one through a good looking riffle. Remember be patient and always make sure your fly is drifting in front of your fly line.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 444  cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 140  cfs @ 58º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 285  cfs @ 67º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 771 cfs @ 69º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2150 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 140 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 79.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report–7/26/2010

Tricos have been falling in good numbers over the past few mornings towards the 9 and 10 o’clock hours.  So if you haven’t made it out of the house yet for one of those early morning starts its time that you do cause today and the next few days should great for a Trico fall.  Last night we saw a steady number of BWO’s and an awesome Iso spinner fall around dusk.  Try throwing a size 14 Rusty Spinner if you happen to come across a similar spinner fall like.  Temps today should be about the same as yesterday, staying in the low 80’s, but with far less cloud coverage and a 0% of rain.  Keep an eye to the water for Sulphurs and Iso’s during the day and try to stay in the shade if possible.  If you don’t have any targets, try drumming the banks with a terrestrial pattern like a hopper ant or beetle.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 468  cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 145  cfs @ 57º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 329  cfs @ 66º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 887 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2540 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 144 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 80.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report–7/25/2010

Yesterday’s high air temperatures and bright sun made fishing very challenging throughout much of the afternoon. Today looks like it is going to be much cooler day as far as air temperatures go and looks like there are going to be some good cloud coverage in the area.  With a 30% chance of rain today, the odds are in your favor to be on the Upper Delaware early in the day.  Sulphurs and BWO’s should be coming off in better numbers today with the overcast skies, Tricos and Iso’s should also make an appearance on the water today as well.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 511  cfs @ 55º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 156  cfs @ 62º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 390  cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 1020 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2800 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 184 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 80.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 24,2010

Yesterday was a day filled with showers and heavy overcast skies and turned out to be an awesome dry fly day. Most of our fish landed were on BWO’s, however we did see a bunch of sulphurs on the upper West Branch. Water temperatures look good the whole way down the West Branch. Today they are calling for partly cloudy skies with air temperatures reaching close to 90º. If you can’t find dry fly action you can try throwing streamers or nymphing a good looking riffle. If all else fails try relocating.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 621  cfs @ 54º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 173  cfs @ 56º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 427  cfs @ 66º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 1130 cfs @ 67º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2980 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 228 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 80.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 23, 2010

Today looks like it is going to be a good morning with light rain and mild air temperatures. Although the rain may stick around for the better part of the day, today has potential to be a great olive day again throughout the afternoon, sulphurs should show up in good numbers during the day as well. Streamer fishing can be very good on rainy days like today, also keep a good eye out for Iso’s and Iso spinners. The West Branch is still flowing around 430 cfs at Hale Eddy which is a very good level for those looking to wade fish. With the cooler air temperatures and rain over the past couple of days, water temperatures look good on the entire West Branch.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 427  cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 140  cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 325  cfs @ 69º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 887 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2300 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 135 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 80.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report

Rain overnight has brought higher flows and slightly cooler water all across the board today.  These higher flows, combined with off-colored water and overcast skies, should be a perfect opportunity to bring out the streamers.  Fish them as close to the bank as possible and be ready for a strike.  However, don’t rule out the possibility of dry fly fishing as today could be another awesome day for BWO’s and Sulphurs on the West Branch.  With lower-water clarity you may even be able to get away with throwing flies on 5 or 6X tippet. As always, work slowly and take your time when covering any section of water.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 547  cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 198  cfs @ 59º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 468  cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 1100 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 1860 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 230 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 81 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 387 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26

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Upper Delaware River Report–7/21/2010

This morning keep an eye out for fish raising to Trico spinners early on the lower West Branch. Sulphurs and BWO’s will continue to be the main flies coming off today. Towards dark if you see fish rising and can’t seem to figure out what they are eating try throwing a large Iso Spinner or even a smaller Rusty Spinner size 20 or 22. Flows continue to be a wade fisherman’s dream with Hale Eddy reading 520 cfs and 48º.  Today they are calling for Scattered T-Storms through much of the day so we are expecting good cloud coverage for the majority of the afternoon.

Trico Spinners on the Lower West Branch

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 520  cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 137  cfs @ 62º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 279  cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 835 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2080 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 144 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 83.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 456 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL