Upper Delaware River Report– 7/20/2010

The Cannonsville Reservoir is releasing 456 cfs this morning and water temperatures are still looking good the entire length of the West Branch. It looks like we are going to have excellent cloud coverage again throughout the day with a few scattered thunder showers in the area. Blue Wing Olives should be out in full force today along with sulphurs during the majority of the day. Yesterdays Thunderstorms lasted most of the day and helped cool the river down, hopefully today we get a little more rain.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 520  cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 137  cfs @ 62º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 279  cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 835 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2080 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 144 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 83.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 456 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Delaware River Club: Upper Delaware River Report July 19, 2010

Today it looks like we are going to have excellent cloud coverage throughout the day with a few scattered thunder showers in the area. Blue Wing Olives should be out in full force today along with sulphurs during the majority of the day. Last night we got some much needed rain in the area which has put a tiny bit of color in the water, giving the angler a slight advantage when it comes to not spooking the fish. The Cannonsville Reservoir is releasing 497 cfs this morning and water temperatures are looking good the entire length of the West Branch.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 575  cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 137  cfs @ 63º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 254 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 835 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 1790 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 104 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 83.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 497 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL


Upper Delaware River Report — July 18, 2010

The sun will be out in full force again, with a high of 84 degrees and very little chance of rain today.  Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for scattered thunderstorms throughout the day, so we are hopeful that we can get in on some of that action.  The Cannonsville release is above 500 for the third consecutive day and water temperatures on the West Branch are looking really good.  Reports coming in are that there are Tricos in the morning on the Lower West Branch and very good Sulphur hatches in the afternoons, with Olives and spinners later on and into the evenings.  If you are out mid-day and do not have targets you may want to try searching with Iso and Caddis patterns or nymphing the riffles.  With these higher flows, streamers can also be a productive option.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       585  cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         140  cfs @ 63º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       279 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            896 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           1590 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       117 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      83.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        534 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria)               Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea)               Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon)               Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies                 Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report — July 17, 2010

Expect it to be mostly sunny outside today, with a slight chance of clouds and rain just before dark.  The Cannonsville release is up for the second day in a row, currently sitting at 565 cubic feet per second.  These flows make a much larger stretch of the river easily floatable which should help to break up some of the crowds.  Look for Tricos out on the water in the morning and other hatches to start just after noon.  Various sizes of Sulphurs may be on the water, so be sure to key in what the fish are feeding on.  Other flies later in the day may be Olives, Isos, Caddis and Rusty Spinners.  If you aren’t seeing much surface action, try throwing a streamer to the banks in fast water or nymphing the riffles.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 621  cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 143 cfs @ 63º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 295 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 878 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2300 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 138 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 83.2 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 565 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report– June 16, 2010

Today looks like it is going to be a fishy day.  The flows are up; Cannonsville released 557 cfs this morning, making the river floatable again and our guides anxious to get on the water. With overcast skies in the area much of the day today it should be a great BWO day.  Additionally this morning there were plenty of Tricos spotted on the lower West branch which once again makes fishing mornings very worthwhile. Yesterday on the water we most of our success on size 20 Sulphur Emerger’s, size 12 2xL Iso’s, and Rusty Spinner’s from size 22-10.  The recent trend in hatches has brought bugs between 12-1 pm and depending on your location could potentially last till dark.  With the extra water, the next few days should also bring success if you feel like hitting the banks with streamers

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 606  cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 140 cfs @ 62º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 276 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 653 cfs @ 74º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 1650 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 132 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 83.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 557 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report – June 15, 2010

Today we are looking at partly cloudy skies and warm air temperatures, with a high of around 87 º.  There are still a few traces of fog on the river that might cause some visibility issues.  With the overcast skies today we can be sure to see a good olive hatch ranging in size 16-24.  Isos have also been spotted in small numbers along with some Golden Drakes on the water in the past few days.  If you don’t have a target, drum the banks or the riff with a 12 2XL stimulator to try and pull one of those famous Delaware Trout out of the water.  Scattered T-Storms and overcast skies are in the forecast for the remainder of the week which could set us up for a great weekend of fishing.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 452  cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 145 cfs @ 61º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 285 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 672 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2830 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 131 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 84.3 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 387 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report — July 14, 2010

So far there have been overcast skies with misty rain for the entire morning, giving us another nice break from the bright sun.  You can expect these conditions to continue throughout much of the afternoon, as there is an 80% chance of precipitation today.  Make sure to be prepared as you head out on the water and take your rain gear along with you.  Cannonsville has bumped up the release a little to 387 cfs and temperatures on the West Branch are still looking great.  Today should provide some great action on Olives, as well as Sulphurs, Isos and Caddis.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       452  cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         145 cfs @ 61º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       285 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            672 cfs @ 72º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           2830 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       131 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      84.3 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        387 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria)               Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea)               Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon)               Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies                 Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report — July 13, 2010

Today’s forecast looks like we are going to have good cloud coverage for the majority of the day with scattered T-Storms entering the area around 1:00. Today look for Tricos early this morning then expect to see good BWO’s during much of the day. Mixed in with the olives there should be plenty of sulphurs, some Iso’s and maybe even a few Caddis. Even with the hot sunny day that we had yesterday the river temps continue to look good on the Upper West Branch as the Cannonsville reservoir is still releasing 325cfs.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 404 cfs @ 54º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 148 cfs @ 63º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 295 cfs @ 71º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 681 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2120 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 124 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 84.7 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report — July 12,2010

Today we should expect to have another warm day with the high in the upper 80’s.  However the warm air temps haven’t seemed to be affecting the conditions on the Upper Delaware.  With water temps in the high 40’s to low 50’s this morning the Upper Delaware should fish just as good as it has been in the past few days.  Cannonsville is still releasing 325 cfs, so floating will still be difficult, so if you’re out wading look for a cool spot in the shade to escape the sun during mid day.  Look for Olives, Sulphurs, Isos and Caddis out on the water.  If you make it out early enough, you could get some Tricos in the mix.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 473 cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 167 cfs @ 65º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 370 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 1040 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2490 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 184 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 85.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report — July 11, 2010

Today’s weather forecast predicts partly cloudy skies and a very slight chance of rain.  The flows on the West Branch are still lower than they were during this past week and will likely remain that way at least through the weekend.  Floating would be very difficult under these flows, but wading can be very effective.  There are plenty of opportunities for good fishing on the Upper West Branch and nice fish are being caught every day.  Today you should see various sizes of Olives and Sulphurs, Isos and Caddis.  Look for Tricos in the early morning.  If there isn’t much bug activity during the day, try nymphing the riffles.  Keep in mind that tippet size could play a huge factor in these conditions, and if your fly keeps getting ignored, bumping down to a lighter tippet may do the trick.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       473 cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         167 cfs @ 65º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       370 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1040 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           2490 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       184 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      85.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria)               Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea)               Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon)               Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Trico Size 22-26
Stoneflies                 Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report — July 10, 2010

At some point during the night, we finally got the rain that the weather man told us was coming.  Air temperatures are cooler this morning and will be throughout the day, with a high of only 75 degrees expected for today.  We will see overcast skies for most of the day, with a very good chance of rain as well.  Unfortunately, the cold-water release rate from Cannonsville is down to 325 this morning, which will make the river difficult to float.  Like usual, water temperatures on the Upper West will remain cool, so that will be the place to be during the day.  Look for Olives, Sulphurs, Isos and Caddis out on the water.  If you make it out early enough in the morning, you could get some Tricos in the mix.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       473 cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         167 cfs @ 65º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       370 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1040 cfs @ 73º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           2490 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       184 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      85.6 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        325 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria)               Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea)               Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon)               Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Isos                       Size 12 2XL-14
Tricos Size 22-26
Stoneflies                 Size 8 4XL

Upper Delaware River Report — July 9, 2010

These next two days should give us exactly what we have been hoping for—rain and a break from scorching temperatures.  While today’s high is still 85 degrees, we are happy to get out of the 90 degree range that we had been in.  Right now there is great cloud cover, and the forecast says we should have thunderstorms just after noon and through the night.  Tomorrow, those storms will turn to showers throughout the entire day, and there should be a considerable drop in temperature, with tomorrow’s high only reaching 74 degrees.  This should make for a good weekend to fish, and some cooler temperatures should lead to more bug activity on the water.  If the clouds are out, look for Olives, in addition to Sulphurs, Isos and Caddis.  Don’t let the rain deter you, this can be a great opportunity to fish.  Just make sure to bring your rain gear!

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 621 cfs @ 51º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 159 cfs @ 65º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 908cfs @ 75º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 887 cfs @ 74º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2120 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 365 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 86.1 %
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 525 cfs
Sulphurs (Stenonema, Stenacrons)               Size 12-14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella invaria) Size 14
Sulphurs (Ephemerella dorothea) Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon) Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella deficiens, lata, depressa) Size 18-26
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14