Upper Delaware River Report — June 26, 2010

Today looks like it will be a fine day to be on the water.  The BWO’s (size 22-24) should be hatching in good numbers with the overcast skies.  Sulphurs should still be coming off, along with some scattered Iso’s, on the Upper West Branch. With a 30% chance of Thunderstorms, make sure you bring your rain gear with you. 

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       490 cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         159 cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       390 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            931 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           3100 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       189 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      91.8%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs ( Ephemerella invaria)               Size 14
Sulphurs ( Ephemerella dorothea)               Size 16-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive (Pseudocloeon)               Size 22-26
Blue Winged Olive (Ephemerella atenuata, deficiens, lata, depressa) ) Size 18-26
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 25, 2010

This morning has started off looking like a great day to fish, the skies are overcast and the water temps are in the 40’s on the West Branch.  Get out on the river as early as possible because it looks like the afternoon is going to heat up to the mid 80’s, so try Nymphing during the hot sunny parts of the day.  The evening should bring some success, as there has been a good Sulphur and BWO hatch the past few days.  If you’re not seeing any rises, try drumming the banks with an ISO.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       494 cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         162 cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       423 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            977 cfs @ 69º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           3060 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       211 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      92.1%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive Size 16-24
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 24, 2010

Today looks like it is going to be a good morning with overcast skies and mild air temperatures. Later this afternoon it looks like a thunderstorm my roll into the area and last much of the day. Today has potential to be a great olive day again during the afternoon, sulphurs should show up in good numbers during the day also. Tonight look for large stoneflies and also keep a good eye out for iso’s and iso spinners. The West Branch is still flowing around 5oo cfs at Hale Eddy which is a very good level for those looking to wade fish.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       498cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         165 cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       463 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1030 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           3040 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       234 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      92.5%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive Size 16-24
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 23, 2010

Yesterday’s rainy weather gives way to a day full of sunshine and a few clouds, with a high of 87º in the forecast for today.  Late night thunderstorms will carry on through tomorrow afternoon, which should make for great fishing tomorrow, especially if yesterday’s weather was any indicator.  Yesterday was an excellent day to be on the water, with angler’s reporting large amounts of bug activity and rising fish.  Tiny BWOs seemed to have done the trick, as well as small Sulphurs.  Today the surface action will be more concentrated to the evening and early morning, so try nymphing during the day or searching with an Iso pattern if you don’t have any targets.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       507cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         173 cfs @ 56º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       491 cfs @ 65º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1020 cfs @ 66º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           3060 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       264 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      92.9%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-20
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive Size 16-24
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies                 Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 22, 2010

Expect a lot of sunshine early on, with hopefully more clouds as the day progresses.  The forecast for today shows early afternoon showers  followed by evening thunderstorms throughout much of the night.  Once again, the West Branch is the place to fish, offering the coolest water temperatures on the Delaware River System.  As the temperature creeps up, the bugs will be more active in the later evening.  Be sure to have sulphur and caddis patterns with you, as those will be the predominant bugs on the water.  During the hot day time, try nymphing if you don’t have rising fish to cast to.  Look to the riffles and faster water, as the fish will be gathering there in the cooler, more oxygenated water.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       503cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         165 cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       541 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1020 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           3000 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       230 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      93.3%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies                 Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 21, 2010

Looks like another sunny day on the Upper Delaware River System, highs today are to reach 85º. With Temperatures like we have been experiencing the last 3-4 days, the safe bet would be to stick to fishing the West Branch . The West Branch will have the coolest water temps which should produce bugs and it will also give the fish a better chance of survival after revival. Today is another day where you may want to try nymphing during the heat of the day if there are no bugs or targets. Keep an eye out for caddis and sulphurs during the day today, also make sure that you have a number of rusty spinners with you and a spent caddis pattern could come in handy too.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 511cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 170 cfs @ 60º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 594 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 1080 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 2660 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 255 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 94.3%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 415 cfs
Sulphurs Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis Size 16-20
Tan Caddis Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 20, 2010

Not a whole lot has changed over the past few days on the Upper Delaware River—the weather, the air temperature and the fishing have all remained very consistent.  Expect a lot of sun today with slight clouds and highs in the mid 80s.  Action is the best on the Upper West Branch for the first half of the day, while evening activity is more spread out.  As the water temperature continues to rise, consider carrying a thermometer with you and checking the water temperature at your fishing spot.  Remember, anything above 68º can be lethal to trout, so avoid fishing water that is above this temperature.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! Have fun and enjoy your day!

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       520 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         173 cfs @ 61º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       640 cfs @ 68º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1150 cfs @ 70º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           2740 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       279 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      94.3%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis     Size 16-20
Tan Caddis            Size 16-20
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies                 Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 19, 2010

Today, like yesterday, the sun will be out for most of the day.  Fishing for today should be better in the morning and towards dark, you can try nymphing or throwing streamers during the hot parts of the day if you are not seeing any rises. Yesterday there was decent action up and down the West Branch on Sulphurs and Blue Winged Olives during the day.  Today I would expect Sulphurs, BWO’s and Caddis during the day today.  Towards dark try swinging a large stonefly stimulator pattern through riffs or towards the banks.  Flows are holding steady through the day but the temps are slowly rising due to the bright sun and warm air temps.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       529 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         179 cfs @ 58º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       694 cfs @ 64º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1230 cfs @ 66º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           3510 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       308 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level       94.3%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis     Size 14-16
Tan Caddis            Size 14-16
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies                 Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report — June 18, 2010

Today we are expecting mostly sunny skies with a high of around 84º. Yesterday there was decent action up and down the West Branch on Sulphurs and Blue Winged Olives during the day. The Upper West has been fishing slightly better earlier in the day and the evening has been about the same no matter where you end up. Today I would expect Sulphurs, BWO’s and Caddis during the day today. If there is nothing rising during the sunny portions of the day try nymphing with a pheasant tail or prince nymph.  Flows and Temps continue to hold steady throughout the system.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       534 cfs @ 47º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         191 cfs @ 53º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       792 cfs @ 58º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1360 cfs @ 59º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           3320 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       359 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      94.4%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release        415 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis     Size 14-16
Tan Caddis            Size 14-16
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies                 Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report – June 17, 2010

The cloudy weather has decided to stick around this morning, and the fishing conditions are looking great.  Expect partly cloudy skies for the rest of the day with temperatures in the 60s.  Recent conditions have done the water temperatures well, making all parts of the Delaware River system fishable.  The West Branch is up and flowing good, and with the extra water should continue to fish well.  We continue to have reports of good hatches and rising fish throughout the day.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 601 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY 206 cfs @ 54º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 820 cfs @ 60º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY 1410 cfs @ 61º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ 3900 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 387 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level 94.9%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 415 cfs
Sulphurs Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis Size 14-16
Tan Caddis Size 14-16
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report – June 16, 2010

Today should be another great day for fishing, with cloudy skies and showers throughout the morning and early afternoon, and scattered thunderstorms from early afternoon on.  Cannonsville bumped up their release rate 90 cfs to 415.  With this increase, expect the West Branch to hold pretty steady around 500 cfs.  Fish were rising throughout the day yesterday, with good hatches of BWOs and Sulphurs.  If you aren’t seeing rising fish, try throwing an Iso or March Brown pattern along riffles, or fishing streamers in the faster water.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       516 cfs @ 48º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         191 cfs @ 57º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       870 cfs @ 63º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1440 cfs @ 66º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           4220 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       397 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level      95.2%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release      415 cfs
Brown Drakes Size 10-2XL
March Browns Size 10-2XL
Sulphurs                 Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis     Size 14-16
Tan Caddis            Size 14-16
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies                 Size 12-14

Upper Delaware River Report – June 15, 2010

Today looks like it is going to be mostly sunny throughout the day. Expect to see BWO’s in the morning and potentially through the day, also sulphurs have still been in the air and on the water on and off during the day the past few days. The lower West Branch saw good caddis action during the second half of the day. Flows, water temps, and clarity on are the West Branch is still looking great. The East Branch is starting to get back down to a more typical flow after it got hit hard by heavy rain 2 days ago. The Main Stem looks good but has warming up into the high 60’s during the day.

West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY       448 cfs @ 50º
East Branch at Harvard, NY         206 cfs @ 54º
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY       1090 cfs @ 61º
Main Stem at Lordville, NY            1720 cfs @ 63º
Main Stem at Montague, NJ           5360 cfs @ N/A
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY       511 cfs @ N/Aº
Cannonsville Reservoir Level:       95.4%
Cannonsville Reservoir Release:        325 cfs
Sulphurs                 Size 14-18
Charcoal Caddis     Size 14-16
Tan Caddis            Size 14-16
Blue Winged Olive Size 16 & 20
Iso’s                       Size 12 2XL-14
Stoneflies                 Size 12-14