
Delaware River Report / Conditions October 8, 2020

It looks like the work on Cannonsville is complete and they are increasing the release from Cannonsville and decreasing the release from Pepaction.  The release from Cannonsville should settle in at 351 cfs.  Click on the gauge links below for the latest flows.  Yesterday was an interesting weather day with periods of calm followed by bursts of heavy wind.  There was enough time with no wind for people to find some fish rising.  A few violent rain storms pushed through in the afternoon but that passed through very quickly.

It’s still been tiny olives, caddis, a few isonychias, and a few heptagenia.  Today will be a bit cooler at 55 degrees.  Wind will be 14 mph from the North with some heavier gusts but it should drop during the day.

There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 257 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 206 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 259 cfs 47°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 547 cfs 50°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 853 cfs 53°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 228 cfs 51°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 351 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 52°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 153 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 54.9%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 75.4%








Delaware River Report / Conditions October 6, 2020

The flow at Stilesville hit around 90 cfs and is up a bit this morning at 133 cfs..  Not as bad as the original press release said but not spectacular either.  The .02″ of rain in yesterday’s forecast missed us.  We have a shot at a little rain tomorrow but today will be 65 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds.  We’ll keep an eye on the West Branch today and see what happens.  If you’re up here the best bets are the East Branch and Mainstem.  The release on the East was increased to help protect the Main.  Isos, olives, haptagenia, and caddis.

The flow at Stilesville is 133 cfs and dropping as of 7 am.  We’ll keep a close eye on that today.

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 133 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 119 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 403 cfs 47°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 663 cfs 51°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 862 cfs 54°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 232 cfs 52°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 300 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 53°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 169 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 55.4%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 76.1%







Delaware River Report / Conditions October 5, 2020

Below is a note from NYC Watershed.  Unless the leak presents an immediate danger to lives below the dam this is totally unconscionable during the brown trout prespawn / spawn.  If there is no immediate danger they should at least wait for a day with enough rain that the runoff from Oquaga Creek would cover the downstream stream bed.

Please take a few minutes to let NYC DEP Deputy Commissioner Paul Rush know your thoughts:

Paul Rush (NYC): prush@dep.nyc.gov, 845-334-7107

“Important news for folks along the West Branch Delaware River.

DEP will temporarily reduce the downstream release from Cannonsville Reservoir for three days starting tomorrow. The reduction in flow will allow DEP to fix a leaking pipe in the release chamber, and it will let the U.S. Geological Survey calibrate its gage immediately downstream of the reservoir.

The current downstream release from Cannonsville is set at 150 cubic feet per second (97 mgd). The following flow changes will happen starting tomorrow.

Monday – DEP will reduce the flow to 40 cubic feet per second for several hours in the morning while USGS takes readings to calibrate the gage in Stilesville. The release will increase to 150 cfs by noontime.

Tuesday – DEP will ramp down the release to zero flow by 5 a.m. The shutdown is necessary for DEP to safely repair a leaking pipe in release chamber. The shutdown is expected to last the majority of the day. DEP will also work with USGS to remove debris from around its gage. DEP will ramp back up to 150 cfs when the repair is complete.

Wednesday – DEP will again reduce the downstream flow to 40 cfs in the morning while USGS takes additional readings to calibrate its gage in Stilesville. DEP will then ramp back up to 150 cfs.”

Delaware River Report / Conditions October 4, 2020

It;s in the low 30s ths morning but we should heat up to 61 degrees today.  Cloud cover and wind 5 mph from the South.  Not a bad weather forecast for October.  The rivers are still low due to low releases.  There is no real rain in the short term forecast so the releases are going to come down to the downstream flow targets.  The flow at Montague, NJ is 1,850 this morning so the runoff has mostly passed through.  They will either have to release from up here or from the Lackawaxen / Mongaup to make up the difference.

Nymphing / wet flies have still been the best bets during the day.  Caddis and isonychias are around but the afternoon tiny olives have brought the most dry fly fish to net.

Dillon with a nice rainbow yesterday.  Bruce Miller photo

Dylan with a nice rainbow yesterday. Bruce Miller photo

Tim Glynn with a rainbow yesterday afternoon

Tim Glynn with a rainbow yesterday afternoon

There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 184 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 209 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 127 cfs 50°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 412 cfs 52°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 775 cfs 54°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 277 cfs 50°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 300 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 51°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 246 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 56.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 76.6%






Delaware River Report / Conditions October 3, 2020

The West Branch is still low this morning with a release from Cannonsville right around 200 cfs.  Hopefully we see some additional water released as the runoff works it’s way past the downstream flow targets.  It’s not ideal fro a number of reasons but there’s no point going off on a rant here.  At least it’s cold out.  We’re coming off a cool night so temperatures look good throughout the system.  58 degrees today with a mix of clouds and sun.  Wind will be 6 mph from the North.  Tiny olives, caddis, and isonychias are making up the bulk of the bugs we’re seeing.  Out of the three tiny olive patterns have been our best producers.


There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 183 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 212 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 137 cfs 52°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 511 cfs 54°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 898 cfs 56°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 333 cfs 52°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 300 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 53°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 246 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 56.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 76.6%





Delaware River Report / Conditions October 2, 2020

The release from Cannonsville has been dropped to under 200 cfs this morning.  The runoff is meeting the downstream flow targets for now.  This is one of those situations that the Flexible Flow Management Plan needs to be a little more flexible to protect the river.  Luckily temps shouldn’t be an issue on the upper river sections and we have some light rain falling this morning.  Once the runoff passes Montague, Nj we should see a bump in the release again.  So it will still fish.  We’ve mostly been fishing tiny olives and some caddis in the evening.


Ed with a good start to October.  Bruce Miller photo

Ed with a good start to October. Bruce Miller photo

There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 184 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 223 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 153 cfs 53°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 677 cfs 56°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,180 cfs 56°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 430 cfs 58°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 300 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 54°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 314 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 56.2%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 76.7%





Delaware River Report / Conditions October 1, 2020

The downstream flow targets are being met by the runoff so the release from Cannonsville has been cut back to around 300 cfs this morning.  The Mainstem is running a little over 2,000 cfs at Lordville so it will take a couple of days for the runoff to filter through the system.  We’ll hit 65 degrees today with a mix of clouds and sunshine.  Wind will be around 7 mph.  Tonight we drop back into the 40’s with some showers overnight.  Total rainfall should be less than 1/4″.  Yesterday evening the fish did get on the tiny olives and there were a lot of caddis in the air.  The lower flow should concentrate the little bugs and make it a little easier for the fish to set up on them.

There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 290 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 427 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 242 cfs 53°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 1,270 cfs 56°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 2,370 cfs 56°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 809 cfs 58°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 300 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 54°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 677 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 56.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 76.5%





Delaware River Report / Conditions September 30, 2020

The overnight rain did hit us and the rivers are up this morning.  The West Branch at Hale Eddy is only at 530 cfs as of 6:30 this morning but it is climbing. It looks clear out front right now.  Oquaga Creek is running 530 cfs so the West will continue to climb for a bit and may get some color in the afternoon.   Like normal the Eastern drainage is up more with the Beaverkill flowing over 1,000 cfs.  There are still some showers passing through and the flows are still climbing so click on the links below fro the latest information during the day.

We had a bit of rain during the day yesterday but for the most part it was overcast without too much wind.  We did have some tiny olives in the afternoon and the caddis came out of the bushes towards dark.  Fish were eating the olives but didn’t seem to get a lot of shots at the iso spinners and caddis where we were fishing.


There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 357 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 530 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 347 cfs 53°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 895 cfs 59°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 991 cfs 59°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 1,270 cfs 58°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 350 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 56°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 406 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 56.5%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 76.3%





Delaware River Report / Conditions September 29, 2020

Nymphing seemed to be the best bet yesterday with a few olives and caddis towards dark bringing some fish up.  There were some isonychia spinners in the air but we never saw them hit the water.  Hopefully someone was lucky.  We should see a cool down this week which should help push the Fall bugs again.  Tonight will be in the low 50’s rather than the 60’s we’ve seen for a while now.  It looks like we  should be 1/4″ of rain during the afternoon today.  Win dis only 3 mph but gusting to 11.  There is more rain coming overnight.  We may see an additional 3/4 to 1″ fall.  It sounds like the heavy rain may be isolated so the best thing to do is check all of the gauges in the morning.

There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 353 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 460 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 132 cfs 57°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 205 cfs 63°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 766 cfs 66°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 121 cfs 63°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 350 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 59°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 66 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 57%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 76.5%





Delaware River Report / Conditions September 28, 2020

We woke up to some light rain this morning but not heavy enough to affect the flows.  It’s been so dry most of it will soak right into the ground.  The release from Cannonsville has been cut back again and the flow at Stilesville is 353 cfs this morning.  We’ll hit 75 degrees today with cloud cover and a brief rain shower.  Wind will be 7 – 10 mph from the South.  Caddis are still all over the bushes so hopefully they’ll come out and hit the water this afternoon. We should see olives, heptagenia, and isonychias today too.  Yesterday should have been a good day based on the flows and weather but everyone seemed to struggle.  Hopefully today will be much better.


There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 353 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 604 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 130 cfs 57°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 197 cfs 62°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 898 cfs 66°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 109 cfs 58°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 350 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 57°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 65 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 59%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 77.3%





Delaware River Report / Conditions September 27, 2020

The release from Cannonsville has been dropped back and the flow is 600 cfs at Hale Eddy.  Today we’ll hit 75 degrees with clouds early changing to some afternoon sunshine.  Wind will be 6 – 9 mph.  Yesterday the release from Cannonsville bumped around a bit and the flow hit 711 cfs at Stilesville.  That may have been a little bit to big a quick change but at least we had cloud cover for most of the day.  We had some rain that could best be described as a heavy mist.  There were some olives, heptagenia, and a few isonychias in the afternoon.  It would have been better without the quick change in flow but people still found some fish on top. We should settle into a steady flow during the week.


Dan Williamson with a good brown last night

Dan Williamson with a good brown last night

There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 521 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 604 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 130 cfs 56°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 194 cfs 61°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,050 cfs 66°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 110 cfs 58°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 5300 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 54°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 66 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 60%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 77.8%





Delaware River Report / Conditions September 26, 2020

The release from Cannonsville has been increased and flow at Stilesville is 658 cfs this morning.  If it increases more we’ll do another update.  The flow on the lower West and Upper Main will come up a bit throughout the day.  The higher release will probably increase the turbidity but that bothers fisherman more than it bothers the fish.  Today will be 70 degrees with 6 mph winds from the South.  Maybe some gusts up to 10 mph.

There is some color in the West Branch from the release.  The cloudiness will increase if they raise the release.  It happens every Fall when the reservoir begins to turn over.

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Olive Sulphur – #18 -20 – Heptagenia hebe
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Ginger Caddis – #14 – 16 Limnephilis sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Flying Ants # 16 – 20

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 658 cfs
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 627 cfs
East Branch at Harvard, NY 130 cfs 55°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 197 cfs 60°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 870 cfs 66°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 110 cfs 58°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 500 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 55°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 69 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 60%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 77.8%




