
Delaware River Report / Conditions July 25, 2020

There was a brief pulse release from Cannonsville overnight so the flow is up but should drop back down to the 500 cfs range by the afternoon.  Today will be warmer than yesterday with fewer clouds.  The fishing should be similar to what we’ve had with the best dry fly chances being closest to the dams in the coldest water.  Nymphing will probably be tough in Deposit since the release likely broke some algae loose.  If you want to throw nymphs or wet flies stay on the lower West Branch.  Most of our dry fly fish have come on small olives and sulphurs.  Have a few flying ants in your bag just in case.  We haven’t seen great numbers of them yet but we’ve seen enough around that fish probably have seen them too.


Adele with a nice fish yesterday.  Dan Treadwell photo

Adele with a nice fish yesterday. Dan Treadwell photo


Derek with one towards dark.  Dan Treadwell photo

Derek with one towards dark. Dan Treadwell photo

Beth killing time waiting for the evening hatch

Beth killing time waiting for the evening hatch

We’re going to leave this up for a bit:  We had a phone call expressing some concern about litter- especially on the Upper East Branch.  If your fishing up there please bring a garbage bag and pick up a few things after you’re done.  Just picking up a few beer cans everyday could go a long way with keeping the landowners happy and preserving access.  We will be hosting Pig Farm Ink’s Get Trashed in the Catskills on August 15th but please do what you can in the meantime.

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures are all starting off at 70 degrees or warmer this morning.  Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #18 – 20 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 698 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 853 cfs 49°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 170 cfs 62°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 365 cfs 71°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 991 cfs 71°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 167 cfs 70°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 59°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 52 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 79.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 88.2%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 24, 2020

There was some rain in the area yesterday but like normal it seemed to go around us here on the lower West Branch.  We had a total of 10 minutes of wind and rain and then the storms slid South of us.  We have clouds this morning but will see some sun break through in the afternoon.  The air temp will hit the low 80’s with no wind.  According to Wunderground the next chance of rain is Tuesday.  So the fishing should stay the same.  Your best shot at dry fly fishing on the lower West is early and late in the day.  Mid day will be mostly nymphs and wet flies.  The Upper West and Upper East close to the dams should have mid day sulphur and olive hatches.  Nymphing is tough in Deposit because of the algae but can be productive.

We’re going to leave this up for a bit:  We had a phone call expressing some concern about litter- especially on the Upper East Branch.  If your fishing up there please bring a garbage bag and pick up a few things after you’re done.  Just picking up a few beer cans everyday could go a long way with keeping the landowners happy and preserving access.  We will be hosting Pig Farm Ink’s Get Trashed in the Catskills on August 15th but please do what you can in the meantime.


Ed started off early this morning and was rewarded.  Ron Reedy photo

Ed started off early this morning and was rewarded. Ron Reedy photo

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures are all starting off at 70 degrees or warmer this morning.  Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #18 – 20 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 445 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 547 cfs 51°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 173 cfs 63°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 393 cfs 72°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,030 cfs 71°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 184 cfs 72°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 60°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 52 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 79.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 88.4%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 23, 2020

We had a phone call expressing some concern about litter- especially on the Upper East Branch.  If your fishing up there please bring a garbage bag and pick up a few things after you’re done.  Just picking up a few beer cans everyday could go a long way with keeping the landowners happy and preserving access.  We will be hosting Pig Farm Ink’s Get Trashed in the Catskills on August 15th but please do what you can in the meantime.

We’re coming off a warm night and it’s 65 degrees this morning but the air temp will only hit 81 degrees so it will be cooler than yesterday.  We may see a few storms this morning but the rainfall total should be less than 1/4″.  By late afternoon we should just have cloud cover with wind 5 – 10 mph from the South.  They did not pulse the release from Cannonsville overnight so the flow at Hale Eddy is 547 cfs.  The Eastern drainage received some rain overnight so the flows are up slightly on the Beaverkill and East Branch.  It’s not enough to make a difference.  So the fishing should be the same as the last few days.  Nymphing and wets on the lower WB with a shot at some dry fly fishing early and late in the day.  Daytime sulphurs and olives close to the dams with a shot at a second early evening hatch.  The upper rivers may fog up a bit during the rain but there should be enough wind to blow it off.

Temps look great on the Upper West Branch

Temps look great on the Upper West Branch

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures are all starting off at 70 degrees or warmer this morning. Even the East Branch at Harvard peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.  Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #18 – 20 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 534 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 547 cfs 52°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 197 cfs 62°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 441 cfs 72°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,020 cfs 71°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 184 cfs 72°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 61°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 56 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 80.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 88.7%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 22, 2020

They did not do a pulse release from Cannonsville overnight so we are starting off with 538 cfs at Hale Eddy.  Today is going to be a warm one with the air temp hitting 87 degrees.  We have sunshine this morning but should see some clouds roll in during the afternoon with a chance of some thunderstorms.  Precipitation should only be 1/4″ which will soak right into the ground.  If the storms miss us we expect some kind of release or pulse to cool down the Mainstem since it the night time air temp is only dropping to 69 degrees.  So the advice remains the same.  Go to the coldest water for your best shot at dry flies.  Sulphurs and small olives should cover most of what you’ll see but have a few cahills and isonychias with you just in case.  If you want to nymph and avoid the algae stick to the lower West Branch.  There are definitely tricos around in the morning.  Fish are eating them but not in every pool.  If you see spinners on the water and no fish switch pools and look to the slow tailouts.

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures are all starting off at 70 degrees or warmer this morning. Even the East Branch at Harvard peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.  Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #18 – 20 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 534 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 538 cfs 52°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 167 cfs 64°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 352 cfs 72°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 972 cfs 71°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 161 cfs 71°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 61°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 56 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 81%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 89.4%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 21, 2020

Yesterday was another bright and sunny one.  Today looks the same with a few more clouds so the report is pretty much the same.  The best shot at daytime dry fly fishing will be closest to the dams in the coldest water.  Nymphing will be better on the lower West due to less green algae.  We should have some more clouds rolling in sometime in the late afternoon.  Wunderground is showing a 60% chance of showers overnight with a precip total of only .12″.  The rain will do nothing for the rivers but the clouds will be nice.  It looks like a better chance of rain tomorrow and Thursday.  They did pulse a release from Cannonsville again overnight but the flows are already dropping.  We should end up right back around the 540 cfs we’ve had for a while.


Beth with a nice Mainstem smallmouth yesterday.

Beth with a nice Mainstem smallmouth yesterday.

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures are all starting off at 70 degrees or warmer this morning. Even the East Branch at Harvard peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.  Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #18 – 20 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 550 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 750 cfs 50°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 173 cfs 64°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 416 cfs 72°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,070 cfs 71°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 189 cfs 71°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 61°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 59 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 81%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 89.4%


Delaware River Report / Conditions July 20, 2020

We were hit with a brief but heavy storm last night but the most of the rain soaked right into the ground.  There is some light rain falling this morning but that should clear out leaving us with sun with a few clouds.  There is another chance of a storm this afternoon but Wunderground is only giving that a 20% chance.  They pulsed the release from Cannonsville again last night for a couple of hours but it is already dropping.  The flow at Stilesville will probably settle back to the 540 – ish cfs we’ve had lately.  Between the water temps and today’s forecast your best bet will be to stay above Hale Eddy today.  Sulphurs and tiny olives will still cover most of what you’ll see.  Nymphing will be better below Hale due to the algae up top.


Peter found a fish that matches his hat.  Tim Glynn photo

Peter found a fish that matches his hat. Tim Glynn photo

Deb with her first fish on a fly!  Chris Calabrese photo

Deb with her first fish on a fly! Chris Calabrese photo

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures are all starting off at 70 degrees or warmer this morning. Even the East Branch at Harvard peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.  Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #18 – 20 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 653 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 828 cfs 50°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 185 cfs 65°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 452 cfs 73°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,140 cfs 71°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 191 cfs 72°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 63°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 57 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 82.2%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 90.2%


Delaware River Report / Conditions July 19, 2020

The release from Cannonsville was increased with a quick pulse again overnight but the flow is already dropping.  We’re assuming they will keep the the release around 540 cfs so by mid day the river will look pretty much the same as yesterday.  The extra water will filter through the West Branch this morning.  Today is going to be a hot one with the air temp reaching into the 90’s with sunshine.  Wind will be from the South 10 – 15 mph.  So the fishing will be the same.  For the best daytime hatching head up close to the dams in the coldest water.  The lower West may fish in the morning and evening as the sun drops.  Otherwise it’s nymphing and wet flies.  This won’t change until the weather cools down or the cold water release from Cannonsville is increased.

holding his first West Branch brown

Will holding his first West Branch brown.  Tim Glynn photo

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures are all starting off at 70 degrees or warmer this morning. Even the East Branch at Harvard peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.  Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #16 – 18 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 637 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 892 cfs 49°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 173 cfs 63°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 379 cfs 71°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,000 cfs 70°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 173 cfs 70°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 61°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 57 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 82.2%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 90.2%


Delaware River Report / Conditions July 18, 2020

There was a brief increased release from Cannonsville overnight but the flow at Hale Eddy is already beginning to drop.  It will take a while to filter through the entire WB so keep an eye on the water and double check it before you wade in this morning.  By mid afternoon it should be through.  We’ll probably end up back where we’ve been with a release around 500 cfs.  Today will be sunny with the air temp reaching 89.  Wind will be 5 – 10 mph from the West.  Bright sunshine and a 500 release means keep going up top for the best shot at mid day dry flies.  The lower West will be best for dries early and late in the day.  Mid day will be best with wets and nymphs.


Vince and Bob with one in the sunshine yesterday.  Photo by Dee Dee

Vince and Bob with one in the sunshine yesterday. Photo by Dee Dee

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures all peaked over 70 degrees yesterday. Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #16 – 18 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 589 cfs 46°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 860 cfs 49°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 176 cfs 60°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 421 cfs 67°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,030 cfs 69°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 191 cfs 66°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 59°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 59 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 82.2%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 90.2%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 17, 2020

There is a little light rain falling this morning but not enough to bump the flows.  Rain total should be around .06″.  The cloud cover is great though.  Wind will be 5 – 10 from the West.  We may see some scattered thunderstorms but most of them miss us.  It looks like another comfortable day to be on the water – way better than the bright sun and 90 degree days we were dealing with a week ago.  The fishing should be the same though with the best shot at dry flies being closest to the dams in the coldest water.  The best shot below Hale Eddy will be early in the morning and again after the sun drops.  People have been picking up some fish on nymphs during the day.


Lucy and Mark found some smallmout downriver yesterday.  Samantha Dennis photo

Lucy and Mark found some smallmouth downriver yesterday. Samantha Dennis photo

Despite the cooler temps and cloud cover the lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures all peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.

Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 


Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #16 – 18 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 534 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 547 cfs 52°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 182 cfs 61°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 441 cfs 67°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,060 cfs 68°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 201 cfs 66°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 60°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 61 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 82.8%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 90.5%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 16, 2020

We have good cloud cover this morning with a slight chance of a stray shower.  We shouldn’t see any real precipitation.  The air temp will hit 77 degrees with wind 10 – 15 mph from the South.  Sounds like a pleasant day to be on the water compared to the sunny hot days we;ve been dealing with lately.  There are some Tricos out in the morning.  If you don’t see fish eating them by 10 am switch spots.  The cloud cover may help the lower WB daytime fishing but the best bet for dry fly action mid day is still going to be closer to the dam.  There are mid day sulphurs and olives up there along with the occasional cahill and isonychia.  Lower down it’s still a lot of nymphing and wet flies until the sun drops.  There was no pulse release last night since today will be cooler with cloud cover.

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures all peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.   Even the East Branch at Harvard peaked over 70 degrees.

Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 


Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #16 – 18 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 534 cfs 48°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 543 cfs 52°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 185 cfs 63°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 478 cfs 71°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,110 cfs 71°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 217 cfs 69°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 62°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 71 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 83.8%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 91.2%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 15, 2020

The release from Cannonsville was pulsed for a short period overnight.  The flow is already dropping this morning.  These pulses are being done to keep the Lordville temperature from exceeding 75 degrees while conserving water.  A steady release splitting the difference seems like a better idea.  The current release from Cannonsville is probably 540 cfs.  The recording says 699 cfs but that is incorrect.  Until we get a steady higher release or a weather cool down the best dry fly fishing during the day will continue to be above Hale Eddy.  The lower West Branch should have some dry fly action early before the sun hits the water and again in the evening when the sun drops behind the hills.  Nymphing is your best bet lower during the day.  Today will be 84 degrees with no wind.  There will be a mix of clouds and sun.

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures all peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.

A quick pulse overnight but the flow is already dropping

A quick pulse overnight but the flow is already dropping

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #16 – 18 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 597 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 698 cfs 50°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 191 cfs 61°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 558 cfs 69°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,210 cfs 70°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 250 cfs 67°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 61°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 71 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 84.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 91.4%

Delaware River Report / Conditions July 14, 2020

Today’s weather sounds a lot like what we saw yesterday – again.  The air temp will be close to 80 degrees, wind 5 – 10 from the North, and a mix of sun and clouds.  And like yesterday there is a 20% chance of a storm that won’t hit us.  So the fishing should be the same again.  Afternoon sulphurs and olives close to the dams in the coldest water.  Some evenings there have been a second round of hatches up there towards dark.  The lower West will be more nymphing and wets during the day with a shot of some hatches as the sun drops.  Fishing a dry and dropper in the shallow riffles over drop offs can work too.

The lower Beaverkill, lower East Branch, and Mainstem temperatures all peaked over 70 degrees yesterday.   Even the East Branch at Harvard peaked over 70 degrees.

Give those rivers a break until they cool down. 

Ethan with a good fish.  Dan Treadwell photo

Ethan with a good fish. Dan Treadwell photo

Click on the fly to see the patterns in our online store

Slate Drake – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Cahill – #14 – Epeorus vitreus, stenocron sp., invaria
Sulphur – #16 – 18 – E. dorothea
Tiny Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocloeon sp.
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophillia sp.
Tan Caddis – #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olives – #18 – 20 – E. deficiens, lata
Light Blue Wing Olive – 16 -20 – E. attenuata, cornutella

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 534 cfs 47°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 561 cfs 51°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 200 cfs 61°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 692 cfs 69°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 1,390 cfs 70°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 313 cfs 67°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 540 cfs
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 61°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 80 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 84.1%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 91.4%