
Delaware River Report / Conditions August 17, 2018

Yesterday was another sunny, warm day.  The West Branch looks good this morning with decent clarity.  The water temp at 191 Bridge is 54 degrees this morning.  There is rain in the forecast this afternoon.  A few showers this morning followed by scattered thunderstorms this afternoon.  We may see 1/2″ throughout the day but that depends on how scattered the storms really are.  Sulphurs, isonychias, and olives will your best bets for dry fly fishing today.  Streamers are still a great bet in the higher water.  You may smell a little diesel in places below Hale Eddy but for the most part it’s hard to tell there was a problem.  Slow edges with vegetation close to the river may have some remnants.  The high water flushed most of it out of our area right away.   We got lucky.  The East Branch has cooled a little as the warm runoff subsides and a greater percentage of the flow is release.  Harvard is still starting off at 65 degrees though.  We’d like to see it drop even more before we go over there to fish it.


It's back.  Come fish, hangout, and do some good on the river!

It’s still on!  Kickoff tonight with the Iron Fly at Tink’s Riverside Tavern

Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 1,510 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 2,180 cfs 50°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 2,730 cfs 65°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 4,780 cfs 66°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 7,420 cfs 64°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 1,010 cfs 63°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 1,500 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 54°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 1,090 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 97.8%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 101.2%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 16, 2018

Wunderground was correct and it really was mid 80’s and sunny yesterday.  Usually we’d be looking for cloud cover but the sun was a welcomed change.  The creeks are still high but the West Branch is dropping.  The West is clear from the dam down to Oquaga Creek.  The water is off color below that but is clearing as the flow drops.  It is clear enough that fish will rise if there is a hatch.  We are still fishing sulphurs, olives, and isonychias in Deposit.  It’s mostly olives and a few isonychias on the lower section.  We did see some flying ants in the yard last night but not on the water yet.  Definitely have those in your box now.  We should see more sunshine today with a high in the low 80’s again.  5 mph winds from the North.  Very similar to yesterday.  The spill from Pepacton Dam is warm so do not fish the East Branch for trout.  Harvard is close to 70 degrees this morning and peaked around 74 yesterday.


Richard with a high water West Branch fish.  Photo by Bruce Miller

Richard with a high water West Branch fish. Photo by Bruce Miller

Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 1,510 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 2,540 cfs 51°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 3,340 cfs 70°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 5,910 cfs 67°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 9,630 cfs 65°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 1,390 cfs 62°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 1,500 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 56°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 1,390 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 97.3%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 101.5%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 15, 2018

There is no rain in the forecast today.  We should see 83 degrees, sunshine, and winds from the north around 10 mph.  The rivers were rising yesterday from runoff and the lower West seemed to get more off color as the day went on.  Streamer fishing was your best option by late afternoon.  The sulphurs and isonychias are still hatching on the upper West Branch.  The West Branch at Hale Eddy flow is just beginning to drop this morning.

If you want to fish dry files stay above Oquaga Creek on the upper West Branch.  Streamer fishing below that although you may get lucky and find some rising fish so bring a dry fly rod too.  Avoid fishing the East Branch.  The spill from Pepacton Dam is coming over hot and it is 70 degrees at Harvard this morning.  Fishs Eddy is 67 degrees this morning.

We have not smelled any diesel out front in days and people are fishing the West.  The combination of high water and rain sent most of it down river quickly and diluted it.

Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 1,510 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 3,780 cfs 55°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 4,390 cfs 70°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 8,020 cfs 67°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 11,900 cfs 63°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 2,240 cfs 62°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 928 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 57°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 2,100 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 96.2%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 101%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 14, 2018

Most of yesterday’s rain skirted around us. We did have a bit fall overnight that brought the rivers up but they are already dropping back this morning.  There is some color in the West Branch but it is fishable. Stilesville is a steady 1,490 and should be clear above Oquaga Creek. It looks like a good morning to throw streamers and then switch to dries in the afternoon. Sulphurs, olives, and isonychias should cover the majority of the bugs.  There are some caddis and yellow sallies around in fewer numbers.

We’re hearing there are a couple of areas you can still smell diesel on the Route 17 side of the river near Hale Eddy.  We haven’t seen any evidence of any diesel for a few days in Home Pool.  People are fishing the length of the river.

We should see some thunderstorms today with somewhere between 1/4″ and 1/2″ of rain falling – probably.  The storms have been spotty and hard to predict.  Keep an eye on the radar for the latest info.  Yesterday Wunderground changed the forecast every hour.


Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 1,490 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 2,430 cfs 51°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 1,810 cfs 58°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 5,360 cfs 60°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 5,450 cfs 58°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 2,880 cfs 62°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 928 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 56°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 1,050 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 96.3%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 100.3%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 13, 2018

There is no diesel smell out front and people were fishing the lower West yesterday.  If you do find any along an eddy or on the bank call DEC or National Park Service.Most of the rain in yesterday’s forecast missed us.  We had a few brief, light showers that didn’t do much to the rivers.  The flows are still dropping this morning.    There are more caddis on the door this morning and some small stoneflies.  Blind casting isonychias in the riffles has worked down here too.  There are still mid day sulphurs in Deposit along with some olives and isonychias.  The lower West should get cooler as the runoff subsides and the release makes up a larger part of the flow.  Today’s forecast calls for the possibility of thunderstorms with a little more than 1/4″ possible.


Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 1,490 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 2,560 cfs 50°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 1,860 cfs 58°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 4,470 cfs 61°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 8,080 cfs 59°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 1,500 cfs 62°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 928 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 56°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 800 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 95.9%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 100.5%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 12, 2018

We can’t smell any diesel on the lower West Branch this morning.  It sounds like the trains have been removed from the water.  Just about every state and federal agency you could think of are here monitoring the river.  So far the reports sound good.  We are still finding good numbers of olives on the door in the morning.

A little more rain fell over night bringing the flows up slightly. The rivers are already dropping back to normal levels this morning. The West Branch at Stilesville is steady at 1,490 cfs while the East Branch at Downsville is 1,220 cfs.  The sulphurs are still hatching on the upper river with some olives and isonychias mixed in.  We are finding more olives than anything else on the lower West.

The sun is breaking through this morning but there is .13″ precipitation in today’s forecast- that should just give us good afternoon cloud cover.

Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 1,490 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 2,560 cfs 50°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 1,860 cfs 58°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 4,470 cfs 61°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 8,080 cfs 59°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 1,500 cfs 62°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 928 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 56°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 1,100 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 95.9%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 100.5%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 11, 2018

Things continue to look good for the West Branch.  There are some reports of geese and mergansers that were damaged by the spill but not much else.  There have been olives and isonychias on the door the last two mornings.  The East and West Branch are both still high with 1,150 cfs at Downsville and 1,500 cfs at Stilesville.  The township crews are still working on some of the secondary roads but the repairs seem to be moving quickly. We may see a few more thunderstorms today with the possibility of 1/2″ of rain spread throughout the day.  Another on of those spotty weather patterns we’ve had lately.


Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 1,490 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 2,190 cfs 45°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 1,780 cfs 58°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 3,450 cfs 61°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 6,520 cfs 60°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 947 cfs 63°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 928 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 56°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 940 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 95.9%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 100.5%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 10, 2018

If anyone doesn’t know a train derailed in the West Branch above right above Hale Eddy around 2 am Thursday.  The heavy rain undermined a culvert on the tracks.  Two of the cars ending up in the river spilling some diesel.  Luckily the river was high and much of the fuel was pushed and diluted through the system.  DEC expects no long term damage and they are monitoring it closely along with the National Park Service.  The fuel smell was strong along the West Branch in the morning but was pretty much gone by the afternoon.  Some eddys with a lot of flotsam may still smell but it is much, much better than yesterday morning.  If you find a fuel slick report it to DEC or NPS- or send it to us and we’ll pass on the information.

A lot of roads took a beating in the heavy rain but the local crews did a great job and many were cleared and graded by mid afternoon.  There are a few that need additional work so drive slow and pay attention if you’re driving around the area.

The release from Cannonsville is 1,500 cfs.  The East Branch in Downsville is 1,220 cfs

Give the river a break for a couple of days and let the crews do their work.  Things look good and should be back as normal as possible in a short time.




Delaware River Report / Conditions August 9, 2018

We had some severe thunderstorms come through late afternoon and overnight.  The West Branch is high and off color running at 4,340 cfs at Hale Eddy.  It’s much higher as you move downstream.  The feeder creeks took the brunt of the storm.  A lot of the local towns are under a state of emergency while they assess the damage and begin to fix roads. We came through just fine but it will take a day or so for the feeders to drop and the local crews to do some road repairs.

Do not come up here today.  We’ll keep an eye on the streams and assess the damage and have an update in the morning.


Delaware River Report / Conditions August 8, 2018

We did get some rain overnight that bumped the flows slightly.  The river flows are dropping back already this morning.  The release from Cannonsville is 928 cfs.  With Downsville at 678 cfs there is a lot of cold water in the system right now.  The lower West has some color in this morning but should clear as the runoff drops.  We may see a bit more rain today but the total accumulation should be negligible at .17″.  The river looks good for streamer fishing this morning and should clear enough for fish to rise by the afternoon.  It should be a little cooler today with an air temp around 83 degrees and winds from the south 5 – 10 mph.  Sulphurs, isonychias, and olives.  We have seen a few more caddis lately.  We have not seen a good number of flying ants yet but it’s a good idea to start carrying a few imitations.  The rest of the week looks great with some clouds and light showers but no significant amount of rainfall.


Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 929 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 1,430 cfs 52°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 1,080 cfs 53°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 2,150 cfs 61°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 4,220 cfs 62°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 750 cfs 65°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 928 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 59°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 987 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 93.6%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 99.1%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 7, 2018

The release from Cannonsville has been increased to 928 cfs.  The rest of the system has dropped slightly as the runoff subsides.  The release from Pepacton is steady around 650 cfs leaving a flow at Downsville of 678 cfs.  Yesterday was hot with bright sun occasionally broken up with a little cloud cover.  The upper West Branch mid day sulphurs continue to hatch with a mix of olives and isonychias.  The lower West seems to be mostly olives with an occasional sulphur and isonychia passing by.  The increased release should cool down the lower West maybe pushing the bugs to hatch earlier in the day.  Today looks like a good fishing day with the air temp only hitting the mid 80’s, wind around 6 mph, and some light rain in the afternoon.


Ed with a West Branch Iso eater yesterday

Ed with a West Branch Iso eater yesterday

Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 902 cfs 45°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 1,250 cfs 49°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 979 cfs 51°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 2,290 cfs 61°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 3,900 cfs 64°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 960 cfs 65°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 928 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 58°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 899 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 93.2%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 98.8%

Delaware River Report / Conditions August 6, 2018

The rivers are dropping slowly after the weekend’s rain.  Stilesville is holding steady at 589 cfs and Hale Eddy has dropped to 1,010 cfs opening more water for wading on the lower West Branch.  There was still some color in the West last night but it was clear enough for the fish to rise.  The best dry fly fishing is still happening in Deposit with mid day sulphurs, isonychias, and olives.  We found some fish on the lower West last night but most of the action was at dark on olives.  Today is the last day of heat and bright sun.  It looks like a mirror image of yesterday with high 80’s and just a few clouds.  Tomorrow we should see high 70’s to low 80’s with a light storm and just under 1/4″ of rain.


Sulphur – #16 -20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahill – #14 – 16 – S. ithaca & canadense
Isonychia – #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Light Blue Winged Olives – #16 – 20 – E. attenuata
Dark Blue Winged Olives – #18 – 22 – E. lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #20 – 26 – Psuedo sp.
Tricos – #22 – 24 – Tricorythodes
Green Caddis – #16 – Ryacophila sp.
Dark Blue Sedge #14- Psilotreta sp.
Spotted Sedge #16 – Hydropsyche sp.
Tan Caddis #14 – 16 – Hydropsyche sp.

There is construction on Winterdale Road. A short stretch is closed near the Methodist Camp between us and Hancock. We have detours listed on our website here:  https://thedelawareriverclub.com/welcome-to-the-drc/getting-here/

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 589 cfs 44°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 1,010 cfs 53°
East Branch at Harvard, NY 1,100 cfs 52°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY 3,050 cfs 61°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 4,810 cfs 64°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY 1,380 cfs 63°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 549 cfs Chart 4G on the FFMP
West Branch at 191 Bridge N/A 61°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 1,180 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity 89.2%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity 93.2%