The East and West Branch flows are dropping but remain high enough that it’s definitely a boat game. The spill will take a while to end. The Willowemoc and headwater streams are you’re best bets for wading. The Beaverkill is slowly approaching wadeable levels. As long as the spills continue we will have alewives in the system. We are also seeing good numbers of stoneflies and little black caddis. There are olives on the water too. The dry fly fishing will improve as the flows drop and concentrate the bugs in the current. Look for them in slow pools and tailouts. Warmer water temperatures will also help.
The rain cleared out yesterday afternoon and it turned into a t shirt day. Today will be unseasonably warmer with the air temp hitting the mid 70’s. We’ll see some cloud cover with wind 10 – 15 mph from the South.

What’s Hatching:
Little Black Stonefly – #18 – Capniidae sp.
Little Black and Brown Stonefly – #14 – 16 – Taeniopteryx fasciata & Brachytera sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olive– #16 – 18 – Baetis vagans
Little Black Caddis – #18 – 20 – Chimarra sp.
Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:
West Branch at Stilesville, NY | 3,370 cfs | 40° |
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY | 3,730 cfs | 40° |
East Branch at Harvard, NY | 2,370 cfs | 40° |
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY | 4,390 cfs | 42° |
Mainstem at Lordville, NY | 7,500 cfs | 43° |
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY | 1,110 cfs | 45° |
West Branch at 191 Bridge | 40° | |
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) | 1,620 cfs | 47° |
Cannonsville Reservoir Release | 1,499 cfs | |
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity | 104.7% | |
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity | 101.6% |