Delaware River Report: April 17, 2022

Happy Easter Sunday. Wunderground hit the forecast yesterday. We started off nice and then had steady rain in the afternoon. The rain bumped up the Beaverkill flow slightly but it remains wadeable this morning and is already falling. The West Branch, East Branch, and Mainstem flows didn’t change much from the rain. They are still too high for wading but are dropping slowly. Yesterday was a good streamer day. We’re still seeing alewives in the river and the fish are definitely well fed. They are some fish eating stoneflies, caddis, and a few olives on top but that’s been more of a bonus so far. The dry fly fishing will improve as the flows drop and water temps rise this week. We’ll be a little cooler today with the air temp hitting 43 degrees with a mix of clouds and sun. The wind continues for us at 10 – 20 mph from the North.

Blake with one stuffed with alewives. Samantha Dennis photo
Andrew had a good start yesterday. Tim Glynn photo

What’s Hatching:
Little Black Stonefly – #18 – Capniidae sp.
Little Black and Brown Stonefly – #14 – 16 – Taeniopteryx fasciata & Brachytera sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olive– #16 – 18 – Baetis vagans
Little Black Caddis – #18 – 20 – Chimarra sp.

Click on the gauge below for the most recent update:

West Branch at Stilesville, NY1,830 cfs40°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY2,400 cfs40°
East Branch at Harvard, NY1,420 cfs40°
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY2,810 cfs42°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY5,740 cfs42°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY853 cfs43°
West Branch at 191 Bridge39°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow)1,250 cfs44°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release1,499 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity102.5%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity100.8%