Yesterday was interesting with a number of small, isolated, and brief rain showers. It was definitely a day to have your raincoat with you. The olives came after the rain with a lot of fish eating nymphs and emergers under the surface. A small #20 nymph or wet fly hung off a dry would be the best imitation. Other sections of river saw the normal sulphur hatches plus a few isonychias and cahills. The East Branch system flows have dropped back so the Mainstem is returning to pre-rain levels. Most of the system is fine for wading and floating. If you go down to the Mainstem check the water temps occasionally with your thermometer.
Accuweather is forecasting air temps in the low 80’s today with mostly sun. Look for fish rising on shaded banks.
Slate Drake #12-2xl – 12 – Isonychia bicolor
Sulphur #18-20 – E. dorothea
Light Cahills #14 – various steno species (invaria, etc)
Golden Drake #12-2xl – Potomanthus distinctus
PED / Pink Lady #14 – E. vitreus
Large Blue Winged Olive #14 – D. cornuta
Tiny Blue Wing Olives #22-26 – Pseudo sp. (now classified as Acentrella sp.)
Charcoal Caddis #14 -16 – dark Brachycentrus sp.
Tan Caddis #16-18 – Hydrosyche sp.
Blue Winged Olives #16 – 18 – Baetis vagans
Flows and Temps as of 8:00 AM:
Click on the gauge below to view the latest update
West Branch at Stilesville, NY | 502 cfs | 43° |
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY | 580 cfs |
47° |
East Branch at Harvard, NY | 182 cfs | 55° |
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY | 486 cfs | 64° |
Mainstem at Lordville, NY | 1,300 cfs |
63° |
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY | 187cfs | N/A |
Cannonsville Reservoir Release | 500 cfs | |
West Branch at 191 Bridge | N/A | 54° |
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) | 170 cfs | |
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity | 71.4% | |
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity | 91.7% |