The river is still high, unsafe to wade in most places, but the water is clear, and rising fish could be found throughout the system in the slack water. Streamer fishing was definitely the ticket yesterday, and many fish were moved close the the banks and off any structure one could find. Should be a carbon-copy today.
Also, we’d like to welcome David Burgher to the club as one of our 2011 interns. Just because he felt like showing all previous interns up, he shut off his car, marched down to home pool, and proceeded to catch an awesome brown on a brown Cheech Leech. 5 Damn minutes after he got here. Over achieving already. We’ll fix that.

New Intern David Burgher with his first Delaware Trout! Caught 5 minutes after arriving. You have to be kidding! Photo by: David Burgher
Stenonema vicarium (March Brown) – #10-2XL (sporadic, but fish finding them)
Emphermerella subvaria (Light and Dark Hendricksons) #12 -14 (slowly fading)
Paraleptophelbia adoptiva (blue quill)– #16 – #18
Epeorus pluralis (Quill Gordon) #14
Brachycentrus sp. – Apple Green Caddis #16
Chimarra sp – Little black Caddis #16-18
Baetis vagans – blue winged olives #16-18 (ending soon)
FLOWS: | |
West Branch at Stilesville, NY | 2,750 cfs @ 59º |
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY |
3,340 cfs @ 57º |
East Branch at Harvard, NY | 2,050 cfs @ 58º |
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy, NY | 3,380 cfs @ 57º |
Mainstem at Lordville, NY |
8,160 cfs @ 57º |
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY | 997 cfs @ N/A |
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release | 102.6% – 200 CFS |