Man, it was tough out there yesterday. Between the bright sun keeping the bugs down and the ARMADA that was out on the river (24+ boats on the West Branch alone), it was not the picture-perfect Delaware day. When there were sporadic flurries of hatching, the fish did accommodate, as they are READY to eat. Today is looking to be a bit sunny again, but with cooler temps and hopefully a few more clouds to encourage hatching. At least, that’s what the weathermen are saying – we’ve all figured out that their opinion is worth exactly what we’re paying for it! We did see some Ephemerella invaria yesterday, as well as some Cornutas – we’ll see if that continues, which will be a nice ‘gap filler’ once the Hendricksons finally call it a year!

Sam Dennis with a SLOB of a Main Stem Brown. She's so excited she can't keep her eyes open! Photo by: Jeff White
Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #16
Stenonema vicarium – March Browns – #10-2xl (sporadic, just getting started)
Light Brachycentrus Caddis – Apple Green – #16 & #18
Dark Brachycentrus Caddis – Charcoal – #16 & #18
Baetis species – #18 & #20
FLOWS AS OF 8:00 AM: | |
West Branch at Stilesville, NY | 142 cfs @ 44º |
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY | 632 cfs @ 52º |
East Branch at Harvard,NY | 242 cfs @ 54º |
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY | 1,020 cfs @ 55º |
Mainstem at Lordville,NY | 2,460 cfs @ 58º |
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY | 519 cfs @ N/A |
Cannonsville Reservoir Level &Release | 93.1% – 150 CFS release |