Delaware River Report / Conditions September 11, 2012

Not too much of a yo-yo at midnight last night – the flow has been reduced to 585 CFS, down from about 600. This means no substantial change in the river level, and the fish have had some time to acclimate to new lies and feeding lines, as well as the Main Stem cooling dramatically. This could make for a pretty decent day today, so long as the clouds remain in place. Yesterday was a bit slow fish-wise, most likely a result of the bump in flows. The bugs were active, and we did see plenty of Tricos in the morning, but they were promptly blown off by the heavy, steady winds we experienced early until mid afternoon. Otherwise, fish were actively eating small (size #18) olive emergers, which were very difficult to see on the water. Keep your eyes open for rises – if you don’t see what the fish are eating, try the small olive!

A nice, DARK brown that ate a Light Cahill Sunday. Photo by: Art Bartholomew

Tricorythodes species – #22 male and female (waning)

Isonychia bicolor – Isos – #12-2XL and BIGGER!

Heptagenia hebe – Olive Sulphur – #16 & #18

Pseudocloeon– Tiny BWO- #22-26

Epeorus vitreus – Light Cahill – (Male)- #14 (sporadic)

Ephemerella invaria – Large Sulphurs / Light Cahills – #14 (waning)

Ephemerella deficiens– Dark. BWO -#12-20 (when cloudy)

Ephemerella attenuata– Light BWO- #16-20 (when cloudy)

Hydropsyche- Tan Caddis- #18

Ryacophilia- Olive Caddis- #16

Baetis species – #18 & #20 (when cloudy)

West Branch at Stilesville, NY 598 cfs @ 47º
West Branch at Hale Eddy,NY 616 cfs @ 49º
East Branch at Harvard,NY 151 cfs @ 52º
East Branch at Fish’s Eddy,NY 299 cfs @ 58º
Mainstem at Lordville,NY 1,110 cfs @ 58º
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls,NY 140 cfs @ N/A
Cannonsville Reservoir Level & Release 59.4% – 585 CFS release
