Delaware River Report: October 11, 2023

The olives have been pretty consistent in the afternoon offering some decent dry fly fishing. Nymphing is your best bet early but by 3 pm we’ve been finding risers. The West Branch flow is still a bit low but it is steady. The Lower East Branch and Mainstem have dropped a bit- another day or two should put them in good shape. The Beaverkill has dropped a bit more and has more wade opportunities today. Along with the olives have a couple Heptagenia, Isonychias, and caddis handy. But it’s really been the olives.

Today will be 62 degrees with a partly cloudy sky. Wind will be 5 – 10 mph from the South.

Ned with a nice brown on a dry yesterday. Chris Brown photo
Ned with a dry fly rainbow yesterday. Chris Brown yesterday

What’s Hatching:
Olive Sulphur – # 18 – 20 – Heptagenia hebe
Slate Drake – # 12 – 14 – Isonychia bicolor
Dark Blue Wing Olive – #18 – 20 – deficiens, lata
Tiny Blue Wing Olive – #22 – 26 – Pseudocleon sp.
Olive Caddis – #16 – 18 – Ryacophilia sp.
Tan Caddis – #16 – 18 – Hydropsyche sp.
Dark Blue Wing Olive – #16 – 18 – Baetis spp.

View the current local weather conditions.

Click on any gauge for the most recent data:
West Branch at Stilesville, NY 163 cfs51°
West Branch at Hale Eddy, NY 320 cfs53°
East Branch at Harvard, NY443 cfs47°
East Branch at Fishs Eddy, NY 1,380 cfs49°
Mainstem at Lordville, NY 2,060 cfs52°
Beaverkill at Cooks Falls, NY684 cfs51°
West Branch at 191 Bridge52°
West Branch at Walton (Cannonsville inflow) 549 cfs51°
Cannonsville Reservoir Release 175 cfs
Cannonsville Reservoir Capacity84.8%
Pepacton Reservoir Capacity89.9%